Tips on getting donations for a non-profit organisation

Fundraising for a non-profit organisation has not lost its effectiveness. It’s all about getting people to commit and making the ways in which donations for a non-profit organisation are more creative and enticing.
People are still willing to make donations – they are just more inclined to be part of something different or with some thought process behind it.

Plan plan plan

Setting a goal at the beginning of the year as to what the objectives are for the charity helps and gets everyone at the organisation to know what to expect. The objectives can be a range of things such as getting more people on the organisations data base, setting a goal on funds to raise for the year or how many events to host.

Tips for donations for a non-profit organisation

Update the data base

Email marketing for non-profit organisations helps to keep the people that support the charity in the know of the happenings of the charity.
You can send out impactful email campaigns and that helps to deepen donor relationships and achieve fundraising goals.
Tip: Always have a donation driven call-to-action button on the email campaign.

Make use of the social media platforms

Social media is great for exposure. You can get people to notice you that have never heard of your organisation just by posting on social media.
It is a great way to spread the word about your cause and also to inform your followers of what’s been happening or what’s still to come.
Tip: If you have the budget, think about either putting up an ad or boosting some of your posts as this helps in reaching a whole new bunch of eyes, and even getting new followers.

Update your website

The non-profit organisation’s website needs to be as update as possible. All the latest events planned for the year need to be showing and any new information or news.
This helps to ensure that people are informed of what the organisation is up to.
And of course, ensure that all the website pages have a donate button linking to more information on how to donate funds to the charity.
Tip: Popups on your website can be a very effective way to capture a prospective donor’s name and email address.

It’s a good idea for a charity to keep abreast of the ever-evolving world of technology. There are many ways in which to attract new faces to the organisation by keeping up with the latest trends.
This is not to say that the previous offline efforts of the charity are now deemed useless, no, not at all. The tips provided are to help drive more donations online, as well as new engagement and reach.

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